1/2 Towolongs

Towolong is the Awabakal word for Rainbow Lorikeet. This year the Towolongs are taught by Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Geres.
Mrs Wilkinson teaches the class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Geres teaches the Towolongs on Thursdays and Fridays.
English and Mathematics: Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Geres both teach literacy and numeracy each day. Throughout our literacy sessions we will be focusing on reading, spelling, writing and speaking and listening.
Science & Technology:
Mrs Wilkinson will be teaching Science this semester and we are studying a unit called Water Works.
Human Society and it’s Environment (HSIE):
History: Our wonderful new RFF teacher, Mrs Tierney, will be teaching History on Wednesday afternoons.
Creative & Performing Arts:
Our CAPA focus for term 1 is art. Mrs Wilkinson will be teaching art lessons on Monday afternoons.
All students at our school participate in daily fitness lessons from 9-9:15am. In addition to this we also have PE lessons focusing on the development of fundamental movement skills. Our sport day is Fridays and this term we are participating in a gymnastics program.
PD/Health will be taught by Mrs Geres on Thursday afternoons.
Library: Our library day is Wednesdays. Students are encouraged to bring a library bag to school on Wednesdays for borrowing.