Boolaroo Public School will be offering an outside of school hours program run by Big Childcare from the start of Term 1 2022.
Before school hours are 7:00am - 9:00am at $16.50* per session
After school hours are 3:00pm - 6:00pm at $22.00* per session
Holiday care hours are 7:00am - 6:00pm at $55.00* per day
Staff development day hours are 7:00am - 6:00pm at $55.00* per day
*This is the price before the Child Care Subsidy is applied to give you a discounted rate
Please visit to find out how you can save as much as 85% off your childcare.
**An extra $2 is required for a casual booking
Big Childcare runs a fun, engaging and safe out of school hours program catering for families who require child care, before school, after school and during the holidays
Our before care program allows children to be dropped off at school early, have breakfast and enjoy some fun activities before school.
The after care program takes place when school finishes. Younger children are collected from their classes by Big Childcare staff and can be collected by parents any time up to the end of the program. This is ideal for working families or for children to use for recreation and social interaction.
Our Holiday Care is a great option for working parents, but also those that want to give their kids new and exciting experiences! Be assured that the Holiday Care we offer is the best service going around! We line up an amazing variety of excursions and incursions to choose from, with exclusive access to many experiences.
The experienced Big Childcare team develop flexible programs, along with input from the children, to allow children to experience a range of games, sport, craft, technological experiences, and many more fun and enriching activities. Some families require that their children have some quiet time to complete homework, which is also accommodated for.
Please feel free to say hello to your Big Childcare Centre Manager, who will be your dedicated contact for all enquiries related to before school, after school and holiday care.
For more information, please contact via:
Mobile: 0423 304 247
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