
Yaayiins 3 / 4
Our class is called the 3/4 Yaayiins and this is the Aboriginal word for owl. We have a range of stimulating learning opportunities planned throughout he year for your child.
Our learning snapshot:
Students will be participating inreading groups, a writing unit on narratives, guided reading, novel studey, word study, spelling mastery, grammer, speaking and listening activities and handwriting lessons.
Students will be engaging with the mathematics curriculum through math groups, daily number and number sense talks, RICH mathematical tasks, hands on materials and interactive online resources.
Science and Personal Development and Health:
In science, students will be learning about Earth's changing surface and during PDH students will be learning how do they influence others.
History and Geography:
Students will be learning about history for the first two terms focusing on the importance of country and place.
Students will participating in daily morning fitness and sportlessons on Friday.
Library lessons will be on Wednesday mornings. Please send in a library bag and encourage your child to borrow a variety of books.
Home Reading:
Students have been sent home a Home Reading Log. I really encourage you to try and read 20 minutes a day with your child. Please complete the log as we have a great reawd system for students who read and return regularly. We have a variety of levelled books that students can borrow from school. All that we ask is that the books travel to and from school in a protective folder.
I look forward to working with you throughout this year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Mr Harvey